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Prof. Dr. Fabio Savastano


Neuromuscular Orthodontics Course

Date: 25.09.2022


Kohëzgjatja: Trajnim gjysëm ditor me demonstrim në pacientë!

Duration: Half Day Course with patient demonstration!


Tema: Metodë e shpejtë, e lehtë dhe e besueshme për regjistrim të kafshimit për arsye Protetikore, NTM dhe Ortodontike!

Topic: A fast, easy and reliable way for recording a bite for prosthetic, TMD and ortho needs!



Me regjistrim në trajnim përfitoni falas:

-Pjesëmarrjen në Kongres



Upon registration to this course you receive FREE:

- Congress Participation



Për më shumë informata: 

For more info: +383 49 552 775


Dr. Fabio Savastano is one of the leading experts in Neuromuscular Orthodontics. He is founder and President of ICNOG (International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology) and adjunct professor and Director for the Masters on Neuromuscular Orthodontics at the Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain

Dr. Savastano will hold a Lecture and a mini COURSE with demonstration on Patients "A fast, easy and reliable way for recording a bite for prosthetic, TMD and ortho needs"

We are honoured to host Dr. Savastano!



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